We exist to glorify God by multiplying disciples of Jesus Christ through proclaiming God's Word, gospel-centered worship, community, and service.

Who are we?

Like our community, we are young, and old, single, and married, trades people, researchers, business people, and artists.  We are all united around our common belief in the gospel of Jesus Christ. We are devoted to glorifying God by multiplying disciples of Jesus.

Read what we believe

When and where?

We gather Sunday mornings at 10:30AM to worship and hear God's word. Sunday Morning Classes for all ages are held an hour earlier at 9:30AM. We also meet on Wednesday evenings to study the Bible together at 7PM.

Evangelical Church of Fairport
38 East Church Street
Fairport, NY

These are our distinctives at ECF.

We aim to glorify God through...

Gospel Centrality
Bible Preaching
People Focused Ministry
Spreading the Gospel

We exist to glorify God by multiplying disciples of Jesus Christ through proclaiming God's word, gospel-centered worship, community, and service.

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